January 28, 2009

Accomplishment Statements Spice Up Your Resume

In a resume writing class I recently took at the local Career Center I learned how to best write Accomplishment Statements in your resume.

Accomplishment are your special projects or ideas at your present or past job that helped resolve a problem or need for the company. Accomplishments are the key items that set you puts your above the rest of the job seekers.

For example: the idea you had that brought in new sales; or the program you created that help save the company money; or the restructure you implemented for the filing system that improved efficiency. Those are your accomplishments.

How do you write Accomplishment Statements in your resume? What is the formula? Think of the letters PAR. P stands for Problem. A stands for Action. R stands for Results. Accomplishment statements should include information about the Problem, the Actions you took and the Results of your Actions.

For example: The Problem was that the company was spending too much money. The Acton was that you came up with a way to use less paper. The Result was that you saved the company $5,000 a month.

Put that together n a paragraph form in that order. Throw in some action verbs. And make sure it is written well and then you have an Accomplishment Statement that will spice up your resume!

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